김라나 Lana K.
Cleveland High School
English and Ethnicity, Race, & Migration
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A Bit About Me
College admissions is a difficult time for many—as a Mentor, I aim to provide to students the guidance that will allow their writing to highlight their innumerable identities, experiences, and how they pursue their passions with success and vitality.
2020 Summer
Aug 2021
Aug 2021 – Present
Oct 2022 - Present
Nov 2022 - Present
TASPer, Telluride Association Summer Program - VIRTURE
Yale University
Writer, BROADS - Yale
Writer for the campus publication on topics of feminism, politics, and community ongoings.
Editor - The Yale Herald
- Served as editor for the "Reflections" portion of the Yale Herald.
- Oversaw Production of personal essays and creative nonfiction.
Writer - The New Journal
- Produced personal essays in genre of creative nonfiction.
- Accepted for publication in prestigious campus publication.